ApplePosterous app rolls out onto iTunes

Posterous app rolls out onto iTunes

Posterous app

Posterous is a site that helps social butterflies maintain all their posts, tweets, uploads, status and much more. Bloggers, Tweeters or Facebook fans all over the globe listen up! A new application entitled Posterous sails into the Apple forte through the company providing assistance to stay connected in this social world.

Boasted as the only content sharing app required by iPhone owners, Posterous assists them in uploading an interesting blend of photos, text, and videos. An effortless way to share, all users have to do is tap post and add-in photos, videos or text. Moreover, location and tags can be added to these posts. The app will also create a web page for them to share content with friends and family.

With the help of the free Posterous account, social networking buffs can enlist their posts to be automatically sent using Autopost to Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Picasa and over 20 more destinations. Other apps can be launched simultaneously while Posterous continues to upload in the background. Image galleries and videos are re-sized for optimal mobile viewing, thus making it easier for iPhone users to post from their device.

Furthermore, this software enables users to manage various sites even their private ones, update existing posts or comments once they register for a Posterous account. Group sites can be built using the application to allows several people to add in their perspectives and opinions. Through emails or the company’s web editor, handset owners can post directly to their site.

The Posterous is up for grabs on the App Store for free.

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