Other BrandsPalm Treo Pro offered on Iusacell in Mexico

Palm Treo Pro offered on Iusacell in Mexico

Palm Treo ProPalm sets in motion it’s easy to manage smartphone called Treo Pro in Mexico through Iusacell. The handset is a distinctive blend of simplicity and productivity. It sports a lean design and a colored touch screen with high resolution.

Functioning on Iusacell’s mobile broadband network, the classy Windows Mobile 6.1 smartphone supports fast 3G data speeds. It will enable users to manage their professional and personal lives effortlessly. Other features include email and Wi-Fi capabilities.

The phone possesses a full QWERTY keyboard with a removable battery which offers up to five hours of talk time. It has a ringer switch that can instantly turn it silent. The phone also includes clock and background screen with date that allows users to view the date, time and even missed calls in a glance without turning it on. Just by hitting a dedicated button, users can view email and calendar.

The phone has an inbuilt Internet Explorer Mobile. The device is the company’s first smartphone that incorporates Internet Explorer Mobile 6. The Internet Explorer Mobile 6 offers a mobile-optimized or desktop-like Internet browsing experience. Faster net accessibility, better power usage and easier management of network connections is obtained by Palm’s Wi-Fi hardware and software advancement innovations on the phone. Users can be connected to the internet at home or in the office or in Wi-Fi hotspots through the one touch Wi-Fi button.

The Treo Pro also includes connection to the Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 SP2 or 2007. This technology keeps emails, calendars and contacts updated. IT professionals can manage activities on the handset with the Microsoft Mobile Device Manager 2008. This software provides higher scrutiny and better smartphone management. It offers an easier way in to information on the corporate network as well. Users can also work on different file formats like Word, Excel and PowerPoint, PDF and ZIP.

The pricing and availability details about the phone are not revealed yet.

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