NokiaNokia N97 Mini details revealed

Nokia N97 Mini details revealed

Nokia N97 Mini According to Engadget, Eldar Murtazin from MobileReview, who is always helpful and usually well informed, has provided more news about the Nokia N97 Mini after images of the phone posing next to the Nokia N97 leaked last week.

He says that the N97 Mini is very much real and will be entitled Nokia N97. He claims that the name was leaked by Nokia itself. This was done in order to spoil the launch of a rival phone manufacturer who was planning to launch a smaller version of its handsets with a Mini label.

The Nokia N97 Mini is going to be a smaller version of the Nokia N97 with a reconfigured keyboard and no lens cover. Additionally, the internal memory will be reduced from N97’s 32GB to 8GB and 16GB versions. The price will also be considerable reduced. It will sell for €100 less ($144) than its predecessor.

This phone is likely to be announced officially sometime next month.

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