MotorolaIHS tears down Moto X to reveal $226 production charges

IHS tears down Moto X to reveal $226 production charges

It so happens that while crafting the Moto X, the Google-owned company had to shell out merely $226 per piece. While this may seem like a regular price to pay, we must stress on the fact that Motorola has chosen to assemble the phone in Texas itself, rather than importing units from the Far East which has been deemed as a cheaper method so far.

A complete scrutiny of the device’s internals was made by the Teardown Analysis Service at IHS which is a Colorado-based research firm. It went on to elaborate that the components used in crafting the Moto X demand $214, while the manufacturing charges sum up to $12 per unit.

Moto X

The production cost beats that of the 16GB Galaxy S4 by $3.50, in spite of which the overall expenses incurred in building the 4.7-inch smartphone is $11 less than Samsung’s flagship. But the making costs of the Moto X supersede the Apple iPhone 5’s charges with the latter demanding $207 per unit.

Apparently, the fact that the smartphone barely employs components spotted in a slew of other devices, is what has helped curb the expenditure. All in all, the manufacturer gets to bathe in the benefits of proffering swift delivery and better scope for public relations owing to no distance barrier, while simultaneously keeping its expenses from skyrocketing.

ATT Offer

The Moto X is currently retailing at $540 ($580 if customized), but AT&T subscribers can take it home at $199 together with a two-year service contract. It’s also available through the carrier’s latest scheme which permits paying $27 monthly over a span of 20 months, with no down payments or activation fees involved.

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