Windows PhoneWindows Phone 7.8 Start screen takes a stroll

Windows Phone 7.8 Start screen takes a stroll

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Though current Windows Phone 7.5 devices will not be lucky enough to receive an upgrade to Windows Phone 8, the concerned handsets are expected to welcome the Windows Phone 7.8 Start screen, just as promised. The new interface integrated into the UI shows off customizable Live Tiles, both in terms of colors and sizes.

Essentially, users can personalize their Tiles by selecting the color they wish to paint any of them in. The sizes can also be tweaked as small, medium or large. Those who make a lot of phone calls may want to receive updates via a huge Tile for the same. Likewise, those not accessing much of the utilities related to games, emails or others may decrease the size of the corresponding Tiles for convenience.

“Yesterday I snuck over to the engineering building and ‘borrowed’ a Nokia Lumia 900 running a very early build of Windows Phone 7.8, so I could shoot a video of the amazing new Start Screen. It’s pretty awesome; being able to resize tiles to S/M/L gives a whole new dimension – no pun intended – to personalization and customization,” states Ben Rudolph on the official Windows Phone blog.

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Additionally, a host of apps have been introduced including PayPal, Audible, Words with Friends and Draw Something, with more in the offing. Lumia owners are entitled to receive camera upgrades and new ways to share contacts too. A fresh tool to keep tabs on data usage while accessing the network is included within the phones as well.

The new Windows Phone 7.8 Start screen will soon be offered to upgradeable devices running on Windows Phone 7.5.

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