BlackBerryWhatsApp for BlackBerry 10 dropping in next week

WhatsApp for BlackBerry 10 dropping in next week

Those who’ve been awaiting news about WhatsApp for BlackBerry 10, meaning that part of the population which plans on getting a Z10 or Q10, should be glad to know it’s coming next week. While the company has not actually put out the word, a ‘prediction’ from a guy who’s part of the BB developer relations team may probably be considered as good as official.

Alex Kinsella, the PR person in question, decided to push out a tweet implying that the developing heads behind WhatsApp for BlackBerry 10 may be ready to unleash the cross platform messaging service before March 17th is up. The funny thing is, in December, there was some heavy hinting that the tool would not be designed for BB World (known as BB App World back then).

Alex Kinsella WhatsApp Tweet

Then in late February, it was officially confirmed that we would be seeing the software on the new mobile platform. Now as Ubergizmo who cites BerryReview puts it, the tweet arrives as good tidings for all those who wanted to stay in touch with friends who are not into the Canadian company’s phones.

As for the mobile manufacturer’s devices on which the messaging utility will be accessible, we’re looking at the Z10 for the present, since the Q10 is still waiting for launch date details more definite than the vaguely mentioned April 2013. The former is already up for grabs in major markets like the UK, India and Canada. Its release in the US is widely speculated to be pinned down for some time before the end of this month.

BlackBerry Z10

While the availability of WhatsApp for BlackBerry 10 will obviously not be a deciding factor when it comes to consumer demand for the hardware in question, it can’t be denied that BB World would be lacking in shine without it. After all, this popular communications tool is available for the majority of mobile platforms.

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