AppleTweetbot for iPad and version 2.0 for iPhone launched

Tweetbot for iPad and version 2.0 for iPhone launched


Twitter buffs owning the Apple slate can now rejoice as the Tweetbot app for iPad has finally been launched. Furthermore, the application’s iPhone variant has also been upgraded to version 2.0 which includes enhancements in the Timeline and Direct Messages features.

iPhone users of the Twitter based software would now be able to view image thumbnails in the timeline and a refreshed interface of the direct messages feature. The timeline links have been colored and can be accessed with a single click. According to the official Tapbots blog, the tappable ‘Retweeted by’ bar is now integrated into the updated view.

Created by Tapbots, Tweetbot is basically a full-featured iPhone and iPad Twitter client possessing a variety of interactive attributes that enhance the tweeting experience. It boasts of a meticulously-crafted interface, multiple timelines, smart gestures, sounds and animation. This application comes incorporated with support for various services such as Read it Later, Instapaper and Cloudapp URL Shortening.

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Version 2.0 has made the links present in users’ bio tappable and brought about an improved scrolling performance. It is now possible to read tweet replies in an easier and simplified manner. The revamped iPhone tool includes timed auto-refresh wherein, the timeline mentions and DM’s will be refreshed after every 5 minutes. Furthermore, readability has been added as a mobilizer service while the font size option in Settings > Display now includes the ‘Huge’ font size option to facilitate a clearer, easy-to-read view.

Tweetbot can now be downloaded for a price of $3 from the App Store.

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