AppleTotal Baby released by ANDESigned for iPhone and iPod Touch

Total Baby released by ANDESigned for iPhone and iPod Touch

Total Baby Application The iPhone and iPod Touch have a brand new application called Total Baby announced by ANDESigned.

Total Baby enables users to log and time all aspects of their child’s care, thanks to a smart and sleek interface. This application supports multiple children with unparalleled features on any computing platform. 11 separate timing and tracking functions are combined into a comprehensive solution.

On the main screen of the application, a complete gist of the child’s day grouped by time is displayed. It also shows the time elapsed since the last timed start or end date for each event. The current age of the child, days until their next birthday, and their most recent snap are also displayed on the screen. Users can also edit or delete any entry without leaving the main screen.

Users can create timers for diapers, feeding, sleeping, bath time and other events like medicine or temperature. Furthermore, there is scope to create entries like diary and milestones, doctor visits, growth and vaccines.

There are 74 built in descriptions and timer events to give users a push in the right direction. These are completely customizable and users can create brand new ones as well.

All Entries and Timers have provisions to quickly add repetitive information. This application offers support for 6 children with the aid of a dual timer display. Users can also export data through email, in a simple and easy to read table which is categorized according to day.

Total Baby is available for a price of $4.99 USD on the Apple App Store.

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