AppleTED app for iPhone offers a peek into the successful lives of achievers

TED app for iPhone offers a peek into the successful lives of achievers

TED app

Offering an insight into the heads of successful and renowned people from all walks of life is the freshly launched TED app for iPhone. It was previously available for the iPad and allows viewers to surf through and watch videos called TEDTalks of lengths ranging from 3 minutes to 18 minutes.

The TEDTalks videos consist of famous speakers and achievers who have gained commendable success in various fields ranging from genetics and sculpture to geopolitics and astronomy. Those who wish to be inspired by these speeches and ideas of renowned personalities, while on the move can hear their vivid experiences through the TEDTalks audio feature.

“Mobile users are often just that-mobile. They’re on the go, out walking around. We’ve designed an entirely new experience just for them that lets them listen to TEDTalks on headphones, right from their pockets,” explained Chris Anderson, TED’s curator.

TED app

Through the TED Radio feature, users can stream curated audio TEDTalks at any time of the day by clicking on the button and begin listening instantly. The new app comes with in-built support for AirPlay and offers users the ability to flag and save videos which they may not be able to view at the moment through its Bookmarks feature. This iPhone application keeps the audio playing in the background so that users can multitask efficiently while employing other apps at the same time.

The TED app for iPhone and iPad can now be downloaded for free from the App Store.

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