GeneralShould Mobile Phones be Allowed in Schools ?

Should Mobile Phones be Allowed in Schools ?

Mobile Phones for School Children allowed or not Now-a-days we can see students with mobile phones in the school. But at the same time, mobile phones are banned in schools. However, now in London a primary school teacher is recommending the use of mobile phones to help students learn.

Sharon Tonner, a primary teacher and ICT specialist is allowing her students to use Bluetooth, camera, video and voice recorder functions. According to her mobile phones can prove to be a powerful educational tool.

Tonner suggests using mobile phones as a voice recorder for learning French.

The Scotsman quoted Tonner as saying, “Normally when children have to learn words when they get home they can’t remember how to say them. But the teacher could Bluetooth recordings of how to pronounce words. They would be able to look at the words and hear them at the same time so they should learn them more quickly.”

According to her, it can also be used for music as the students remember music tones than the words. As it takes little time from Bluetooth to the phone and to the students ears. Moreover, they would rather rather than read.

However, the other teachers are not really convinced by the use of mobile phones in the schools as they think that the students can misuse this freedom given more than the making use of them for educational purpose.

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