SamsungSamsung gives developers bada SDK

Samsung gives developers bada SDK

Samsung Wave Bada

Samsung is finally letting developers hitch a ride on their bada platform for smartphones – the company has finally released the bada SDK for developers. It’ll be some time until anyone finds out how popular Samsung’s home-grown smartphone OS can get among developers.

The first step to acquiring this SDK calls for registration of a free developer account with Samsung. 1.4GB free disk space, 1.4GB RAM, local administrator rights and Windows XP/Vista/7 are listed as the OS requirements. Additionally, the bada Simulator screen size resolution is 480 x 800p. For PCs with a screen resolution lower than 800, the Simulator will not show normally for applications implementing OpenGL.

Those who have previously installed the bada SDK are upgrading to a newer version must uninstall the older version and run the SDK installation executive. A welcome page with additional information on bada and on developing with the IDE pops up when the IDE is installed for the first time.

Samsung has powered their Wave smartphone with the bada mobile OS.

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