AppleMunsch now on TumbleBooks Apps

Munsch now on TumbleBooks Apps


Here rolls in a tiding to catch those unawares and add some real fun in life. TumbleBooksToGo has just announced the first of its 6-pack applications for the Apple iTunes Store. The Munsch 6-pack comprises six animated picture books from the world-renowned author Robert Munsch.

The TumbleBooks 6-pack features six favorite titles that are narrated by Munsch himself. Children of all ages can now enjoy a user friendly interface, can launch books just by clicking on the book cover and can create a playlist from their own mini online library bookshelf for around-the-clock entertainment.

Stepping in as a mini library in the pocket, the engaging TumbleBooksToGo allows users to read at any time, anywhere: waiting in line, at a restaurant, riding in a car or plane or even in the comfort of their own home.

High in quality, these apps are created by adding animation, sound, music and narration to existing picture books licensed from well-known publishers such as Chronicle Books, Charlesbridge Press, Annick Press and Simon and Schuster among others.

Users can purchase the Munsch 6-pack for only $5.99 from the Apple iTunes Store.

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