GoogleGoogle's Click-to-Call rising in popularity

Google’s Click-to-Call rising in popularity

Click-to-Call Being able to engage in business transactions using mobiles phones is obviously an added perk for many users. Targeting potential clients or customers having quick contact accessibility to a business was made possible by Google’s Click-to-Call in 2010. The official Google blog has put up a post updating everyone on the growth of Click-To-Call since its launch. This feature is a mobile ad unit that enables people to contact various businesses over the phone easily, rather than accessing the concerned websites.

Developing this functionality didn’t pose much of problem as compared to actually launching it to various advertisers. Essentially, the ad extension enables advertisers to incorporate either a phone number or location details in their ad campaigns. Products such as Click-to-Call are mostly launched in beta for a very less number of users, beginning at a 1% test. Based on calculations, it was deduced that it would take approximately 10 years to actually release it, thus rendering it obsolete much before the official launch.

Neglecting the usual process, this feature was launched to almost 50% of Google’s mobile advertisers in 2009 within the first week. In a short span of a month, the product started gaining momentum gathering enough feedback to ensure its viability. Click-to-Call was developed in June 2009 and tested in the month of July. By January 2010, it was up and functional for all advertisers.

More than a year down the line, Click-to-Call advertisements feature on both search and the Google Display Network.

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