GoogleGoogle Gem Nexus smartwatch on the cards, arriving October 31?

Google Gem Nexus smartwatch on the cards, arriving October 31?

Apparently, the Google Gem Nexus smartwatch is all set to be unveiled later this month. The smartwatches seem to be ‘in’ this season and while companies are introducing the wearable gadgets left, right and center, we cannot expect Google to just sit idly and watch. The guys over at the Mountain View-based company have been working on the Gem and rumor has it that a launch event to introduce it is being scheduled for October 31.

Artem Russakovskii from Android Police has learnt from its trusted sources that the Gem will be released on the day when Google will give us a taste of the KitKat 4.4 OS for the first time. As the norm has been so far, the new version of Android is always introduced with a Nexus gadget. Thus, we are expecting the said event to also act as the launch platform for the upcoming Google Nexus 5 by LG.

Google Gem Nexus Smartwatch

So far, a number of companies have smartwatches to their credit and these include some of the big players like Sony, Samsung, Nissan and Qualcomm. Rumor has it that Apple too has its eyes set on the accessory segment and it is busy prepping the iWatch as we speak. Whether this speculation is actually true or not, remains to be seen.

Google has already crafted a path-breaking wearable gadget that goes by the name of Google Glass. But it is not ready to be made available commercially as yet and it could take a whole lot of time before it hits markets for end users. So introducing a watch does sound like the right thing to do.

In order to see how the Google Gem Nexus smartwatch is accepted, we will have to wait for the October 31 launch event.

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