GamesGhosts Attack game comes to iPhone

Ghosts Attack game comes to iPhone

Ghosts Attack iPhone Game

Tarver Games brings an adventurous game entitled Ghosts Attack to the iPhone. The story line of Ghosts Attack revolves around the 1960’s disappearance of thirteen scientists who were accidentally transported to a parallel dimension in a failed teleportation experiment. The company that employed these scientists is now dispatching remote controlled Rovers to explore and conquer the new empire.

Ghosts Attack employs world map and GPS coordinates to procedurally create game levels, enabling players to enter an alternate reality gaming experience (ARG) that corresponds the real world. Players have to fight the hostile inhabitants while retaining a fully charged Rover. The game also features an in-game guide named Karl who leads players to untangle the secrets and conspiracies of Torgan Science.

“Ghosts Attack is unlike anything we’ve seen in the App Store to date. It is unique in three key aspects – design, story and interaction- all of which become clear as soon as you start playing the game. Ghosts Attack appeals to both the casual gamer, who will appreciate the quick shooter action; and the more hard core gamer, who wants strategy, thrilling gameplay and a reason to stay engaged,” mentioned Chris Cross, co-founder and president of Tarver Games.

“The Ghosts Attack story is much like a TV channel for your iPhone or iPod touch, and it’s up to the player to decide what they want to do. Players can expect constant delivery of new content, ranging from in-game updates to new episodes that unravel the mystery of the Torgan 13, each with new missions, content and surprises,” stated Quinn Banks, CEO and co-founder of Tarver Games.

The iPhone game presents multiple features inherent to the iPhone OS 3.1, inclusive of regular push notifications and badges, in-app commerce support for evolving episodic content, streaming video for in-game content and more. Further, new content will be introduced in-game through Karl and he will notify players of new missions set in different destinations around the world, keeping them betrothed in the gameplay. Presently, the game incorporates 17 missions, 5 weapons and 5 Rover upgrades.

iPhone gamers can download the game from the Apple App Store for $4.99.

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