Accessoriescookoo watch coos in updates from Android and iOS devices

cookoo watch coos in updates from Android and iOS devices

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When smartphones snuggle deep into the barely accessible areas of those pockets or bags, the cookoo watch on Kickstarter hopes to serve Android and iOS right on the wrist. This gadget is an extension for handsets, which displays the status of the phone when it’s out of visual range.

So not everyone clings onto their mobile devices at all times and knowing what’s happening with their handsets ought to be as simple as sporting the watch in question. Simply put, the add-on alerts the concerned user regarding calls, messages, Facebook notifications, calendar status and similar things courtesy of Bluetooth Smart technology.

This wearable accessory is compatible with the new iPad, Samsung Galaxy S III, HTC One X, iPhone 4S and more. There’s a Connected App thrown into the mix which needs to be accessed for customizing the sort of data streamed to the watch. This will make it display just the relevant information, keeping aside the fluff.

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Wearers will be notified via a sound or vibration as soon as they receive messages or calls on their smartphones. There are special icons that light up depending on what the user is being alerted to. A Command button allocated to the body of the peripheral can be used to find the handset, check out apps like Facebook as well as tag locations on maps and other such activities.

Users can capture group pictures by controlling the watch remotely. Additionally, there’s an Ack button to switch off vibrations or sounds. It is claimed to be water-proof and that should make the gear wearable at almost any given place. In case the connected phone’s or tablet’s battery is low, a reminder for the same is surfaced by the watch.

Another interesting thing to note is that the cookoo apparently does not require charging like many other smart watches. It can function all year long depending on usage, after which the button-cell battery needs to be changed. It is available in color choices of white on black, black on black, blue on black, brushed stainless on black and a Kickstarter-specific green on black.

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The cookoo watch price for retail is revealed to be $99.95 and it currently needs backers to reach its goal of $150,000 before production begins. The blue and white editions will be priced at $129.95.

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