AppleCBTReferee App to help in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBTReferee App to help in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBTReferee iPhone App

To help users across the globe, a new app tagged ‘CBTReferee’ has recently stepped in for the iPhone and Android. Highly impressive, the app provides users with mobile tools to assist in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – a type of psychotherapy that involves journaling and reflecting to deter dysfunctional emotions and feelings.

Designed to be simple and convenient, the new app brings a platform for users to pen down their thoughts and learn from them while on the go. Customarily, negative thoughts don’t always occur in a therapist’s office, or when users have a pad and pen handy. That’s where this intelligent app comes in.

“I found myself always needing to carry around a notebook to practice CBT, since negative thoughts and feelings happen at random,” commented Andrew Arrow, creator of CBTReferee. “As a result, I decided to build a simple app for my own use. Finding it personally effective, I decided to put it in the app store, not really knowing if it would be useful for others,” he added. The feedback he received convinced him otherwise. CBTReferee sales have been increasing on a weekly basis and based on its reviews, has provided some real value to its users.

Users can activate CBTReferee on their phone whenever and wherever a negative thought occurs. Delivering the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in an easy and structured manner, the app directs the user to type out the negative thought. The next screen provides a list of ten potential fallacies that are possibly present in the statement. Users scroll through the list and select the fallacies that apply to their negative statement.

Further, a type-in screen christened, ‘Referee Says’ pops up. On this screen, based on the statement and the fallacies chosen, users are prompted to type in an objective assessment to negate the negative statement.

The app also keeps a ‘thought record’ allowing users to reference previous thoughts and take a note of patterns in the way they think.

CBTReferee App is now available to snap up from the Apple iTunes and the Android Market for $4.99.

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