GoogleBlackBerry Google Mobile App offers Gmail and Google Docs search

BlackBerry Google Mobile App offers Gmail and Google Docs search

BlackBerry Google app Earlier we had reported on the direct access numbers feature brought out for BlackBerry and Android Google Mobile apps. The Google Mobile blog now introduces a new feature wherein users can search the cloud to locate objects from their Google Contacts, Gmail and Google Docs.

In order to use this functionality on their BlackBerry devices, handset owners will have to first start the Google Mobile App and then sign in to their Google Account after which they can simply speak or type their query. They will have to login to their accounts only for the first time. Once that is done, they can open up web-based applications like Reader or Docs without signing in again.

Google touts of taking information security very seriously. Hence all the details of the Google Docs and Gmail searches are sent via a secure https connection. It claims that the user’s password is just temporarily saved on the handset while the account details are encrypted at the time of the transmission.

BlackBerry handset owners who wish to download the Google Mobile App can do so from

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