GoogleAndroid 2.2 features on 51.8 percent of all devices

Android 2.2 features on 51.8 percent of all devices

Android Version Statistics

The discussion pertaining to the numerous versions of Android never ceases with new inputs always making their way through. In order to systematically elucidate the current market share held by each variant of the OS, the official Android Developers blog has updated the statistics. These display the relative number of active handsets running on a given version of the platform.

The data encapsulated in the pie chart above is based on the number of devices that accessed the Android Market within a 14-day period ending on January 4, 2011. Well, noticeably Android 2.2 Froyo makes it at the number one spot accrediting to a 51.8 percent. Eclair is right behind with 35.2 percent of distribution.

Even though Cupcake and Donut may have lost a lot of numbers in the recent months, both of them make it to the list with a 4.7 and 7.9 percent, respectively. The latest entrant to this suite is Gingerbread, released in the month of December. This variant of Google’s operating system breaks the ice with a 0.4 percent.

This is unquestionably due to only one handset currently operating on it, the Nexus S. Presumably, not many mobile enthusiasts have purchased the smartphone yet as it has barely been a month. Recently at the CES, the second device based on Android 2.3 was unraveled, known as the Sony Ericsson Xperia arc. Most probably in the coming months, the numbers of Gingerbread will go up with several handsets being upgraded to it.

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