SoftwareiSpeech reveals 2.0 Hands-free Mobile App

iSpeech reveals 2.0 Hands-free Mobile App

DriveSafely App

There’s always a humming concern to drive safely the moment one hits the road. Sure enough, everybody wants to ascertain a responsible driving experience be it alone or with someone. Considering such crucial aspects, iSpeech has recently announced new features of at CES 2010 including fully automated text message and email response by voice.

The highly-assisting app is currently reading millions of text and email messages aloud every week to drivers across the globe, helping to keep their eyes on the road. Emerging as an extremely innovative solution to distracted driving, once enabled, the runs in the background without draining the battery until a new message, text or email message pops up. Impressively, no action is required from the user, and the message is read aloud.

“People want to stay connected while driving, and we’re giving them a way to do it more responsibly,” states Heath Ahrens, iSpeech CEO. “Reducing the number of people looking at phones instead of the road is always a good thing.”

Further, with 2.0, the user will be prompted for a voice command, enabling voice response, auto-response, repeat message or call back. Ensuring that the entire driving experience is safe and undisturbed, the app looms in as an apt solution.

The new features of the app are anticipated to be released throughout 2010 beginning in Q1 with additional enhancements to existing Blackberry and Android OS versions to be launched first.

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