GoogleWindow Shop with Favorite places on Google and Mobile Phone

Window Shop with Favorite places on Google and Mobile Phone

Google Maps

How about getting up on a sunny day only to realize that finding a happening restaurant around the nook has just got way too easier? Yes, heard it right. Here is some good news for endless searchers to fade that line of irksome on their foreheads. According to the Official Google Blog, users can search a cool place to hang around, all with a little help from their fellow Google users.

Before questions are raised about how Google can help mobile users do better window shopping. Here rolls in an answer. Well, Google has a window decal containing a distinctive bar code entitled QR code that business can weightily display on their windows. When users come by these windows, they can scan them with their handsets like Android based phones, Blackberry phones and even iPhone. This step will take searchers directly to the business’ own place page on the Google Favorite places.

Further, once users are on the place page, they’ll be able to read reviews, receive a coupon (if the shop offers one) or just mark it down for a later visit.

Users will need an application that reads QR codes on their handset in order to benefit from Google’s latest offering. For Android based phones, there’s a free Barcode Scanner app while for iPhone users need to purchase $1.99 Quickmark app. For other devices, there’s a QR Reader in users’ app marketplace or else users need to search for the model of their phone and QR reader on Google. Other two apps that work pretty well with the decals are BeeTagg and NeoReader. So, go to a nicer restaurant or shopping place this time with little help from local Google users.

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