AsusSquare App accepts payments on the Apple iPhone

Square App accepts payments on the Apple iPhone

Sqaure App iPhone

Mobile payment has for sure made everything easier for users as busy as a one armed paper hanger. Square now unleashes a new mobile payment application for iPhone and Android users, the Square. The new startup lets users handle real-world credit card transactions via a small swipe-able accessory plug-in. Users can now use their mobile device to pay for a wide range of services and digital or hard goods.

The little handy app enables users to effortlessly manage the money they take with an easy and intuitive interface. Users can accept payment cards on any device with an audio input jack, including their mobile phone. The app allows users to get their receipts sent instantly to their email or mobile phone, access them securely online, create a Square account to speed up and secure every payment, and see all of their Square receipts in one simple view.

With this software, users can instantly see how much they’ve made for the day, broken out by tips, tax, and payment method. In order to ensure safety and security, Square meets and exceeds all industry standard security practices and compliance requirements including PCI Level 1 and PA-DSS.

Apart from this, the app allows users to browse photos of every item they bought, read descriptions, and share with their friends and co-workers. Users can now manage their money, make payments, accept cash, and do much more.

The Square App is designed for the Apple iPhone and the Android-powered mobile devices.

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