GoogleOfficial eBay App for Android

Official eBay App for Android

eBay Android App

Any idea which is the most reliable and satisfying place to go when need to buy, trade or find various things? If not mistaken, then eBay should pop up as an answer. Bringing such experience to mobile users, eBay has now officially announced an all-new application, eBay, for Android users.

Users can now search, buy, pay, and check status of their eBay activity no matter where they are. The newly released app features voice search, buyer and seller alerts, advanced search functionality, leaving feedback, and paying with PayPal.

With this dedicated app, users can manage their eBay account on their mobile phone’s browser. The eBay app for Android enables users to check the status of their auctions, navigate with voice commands, and check status updates.

In addition, the app provides bid notifications so users can keep track of items when the clock starts taking a round and an auction is about to end.

The new eBay app for Android devices is now up for grabs.

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