AppsMicrosoft Photosynth for Windows Phone brings in 3D panoramic views

Microsoft Photosynth for Windows Phone brings in 3D panoramic views

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The official Microsoft Photosynth app for Windows Phone has been unveiled, bringing 3D effects into the picture. Basically, it transforms snaps that would normally be strictly 2D into much more interesting shots.

Though this is not the first time that the Marketplace is welcoming such an application, it is claimed to be the only one covering the complete horizontal and vertical, 360-degree panoramic view. It meshes together different images into a single scenic photo or synth. Users can generate their own imaginative synths and showcase them on the app or the official site. Besides, the closely-knitted images can be shared via websites like Twitter and Facebook. As for Bing users, the synth can be published on the site for perusing the pictures later on.

“Originally dreamed up by a squad of PhDs at Microsoft Research, Photosynth intelligently sews together your separate snapshots into one immersive scene, recreating the drama and detail of what your eyes actually see. It’s hard to appreciate until you see a few ‘synths’ for yourself. This one of Pulpit Rock in Norway gives me the heebie-jeebies when I pan down. Other favorites include Machu Picchu and the Seattle Japanese Garden,” states a post on the official Windows Phone blog.

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Notably, the utility does not necessitate a gyroscope on the concerned device for installing or employing it. For those lucky enough to have a gyroscope-enabled phone, the app delivers improved capturing. This Microsoft utility is targeted at photography enthusiasts seeking to add a 3D touch to regular images captured on their gadgets.

The Microsoft Photosynth app for Windows Phone can be downloaded via the Marketplace.

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