GamesHydroTilt award winning game available now for the iPhone

HydroTilt award winning game available now for the iPhone

HydroTilt game for the iPhone Publisher X is pleased to announce an award winning mobile game title, HydroTilt. The publisher has released a special edition for a limited period to promote the game.

HydroTilt is an exciting 3D puzzle game by titling the iPhone left, right, up and down which guides the bead of water on suspended platform. Reach the finish line safely by passing through the abstract and colored environments. To make it more realistic, the form of the blob can be changed from liquid state to solid state and to a gaseous state.

The different blob states can be used to solve different puzzles. If you want to melt the ice, connect it to the electrical wires to activate the freezing machine or if you want to freeze it, drop it over a bridge. There are around 25 levels filled with excitement and 5 un-lockable bonus stages. More fun is added to the game as the publisher adds in HydroTilt level editor that will enable the players to create, share and build their own levels. The save feature will allow you to play the game from where you had left it.

HydroTilt amazing game is available at the App Store for $4.99. The HydroTilt level editor will be available for free in February.

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