Other BrandsHimfr scans DM005SH diamond phone from Disney

Himfr scans DM005SH diamond phone from Disney

Disney DM005SH

The quote ‘Diamonds are a girl’s best friend’ is taken to new heights by handset manufactures who are increasingly coming up with chic diamond-studded phones for the fairer sex. Well, one more diamond-studded device to be added to this list is the DM005SH mobile phone rolled out by Disney. Shortly after being uncloaked, Himfr.com came forward to appraise the phone.

The review accounts that similar to Japan’s standard big-screen clamshell shaped handsets, this Disney device has incorporated vital and entertaining functions into its opulent piece. This new offering encompasses an 8MP camera with CCD sensor. The handset sports a 3.4-inch AVS LCD and supplies FWVGA resolutions and the external screen is equipped with a cloaked LED display. It exhibits its characteristic Disney theme with its three radio buttons in the phone function key area of the navigation keys appearing like Mickey Mouse’s head.

The mobile phone is encrusted with more than 22 diamonds dispersed indiscriminately on the casing to provide the feeling of stars shining in the sky. The front panel is sprinkled with three diamonds arranged to look like Mickey Mouse’s head. Moreover, an embossed Disney English Loge is seen at the top of the keyboard.

Disney DM005SH diamond mobile phone is available in three colors namely red, white and dark blue.

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