GoogleGoogle Sky Map now lets users time travel

Google Sky Map now lets users time travel

Google Sky Map

Time traveling has always intrigued us since thousands and thousands of years. However, we still haven’t found any means of traveling either in the future or past. According to the Google Mobile blog the latest version of the Google Sky Map now let’s handset owners travel back in time to check out what the sky looked like in 1900 or in the future to see the Monday night sky.

Star gazers may appreciate the added benefits of this software as now they can view beforehand what the sky will look like on their next planned star-gazing trip. Thus, handset owners will be prepared with what’s in store for them. As they are time traveling to a specific date in the past or future, users can still search for their favorite objects in the sky.

In addition to that they can fast forward or rewind in several speeds to watch how the sky has changed or will change over the years. The Google Sky Map can be downloaded via the Android Market. It can be accessed on Android-powered devices using OS 1.6 or later.

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