GoogleGoogle Search for mobile now offers mobile app results

Google Search for mobile now offers mobile app results

Google Mobile Search Turning a deaf ear to the world of entrancing mobile app is nowhere less than nailing jelly to a tree. With mobile applications continuing to escalate in stores across the world, finding relevant information on the web about these apps is becoming more important. According to the Official Google Mobile Blog, Google Search for mobile has recently included mobile app results to help users decide which apps to download.

With this newly rolled out feature, users can now easily get the actual apps themselves while they’re searching. Now onwards if users go to on their iPhone or Android-powered mobile device and search for a particular app, Google will display special links and content at the top of the search results. Apart from this, users can now tap these links to go directly to the app’s Android Market or iPhone App Store page.

The new mobile app results enable users to get a quick look at some of the app’s basic details including the price, rating, and publisher. These results will appear when users’ search pertains to a mobile application and relevant, well-rated apps are found.

The new Google Search with mobile app results is now available in the U.S., with other countries and mobile platforms scheduled for the future.

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