GoogleGoogle Latitude, Google Places for iPhone get updated

Google Latitude, Google Places for iPhone get updated

Google Latitude Update

Google has already provided users with the ability to rate places, get recommendations, share locations with friends and find out who’s nearby through dedicated applications. The company has now updated its Google Latitude iPhone application with check-ins and extended Google Places to cover 30 languages.

With the new update, iPhone users can start checking in at places with the enhanced Latitude app. Users can see where their Latitude friends are on a map and choose to continuously share where they are. Apart from this, users can also choose to check in at specific places, such as their favorite restaurant or a park, in order to add more contexts to their location.

To begin checking in at nearby spots, users can simply tap the ‘Check-in’ button and start experiencing the benefits. Executing control over the Latitude check-in privacy gets possible too. Users can settle upon whom to share any check-in with. Be it friends on Latitude, publicly on the web, or the Google profile, controlling it has become simpler now.

Besides significant enhancements in Google’s Latitude app, the company has enabled users to rate places and get personalized recommendations for the same in 30 languages. Users will also have ‘saved places’ as more way to personalize their experience.

In order to start checking in with Latitude on the iPhone, users can update the Latitude application from the App Store. Currently available for iPhone 3GS and 4, the app requires iOS 4. Users can download both these useful apps from Google’s official website.

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