AppleFitnessBuilder App comes to whip iPhone users into shape

FitnessBuilder App comes to whip iPhone users into shape

FitnessBuilder iPhone App

Being up to snuff and in fine fettle has become extremely important considering the active and reckless world out there. To help users lead a bright-eyed lifestyle, PumpOne has just announced its new fitness application for the iPhone, the FitnessBuilder.

Designed to transform the way people live their life, the new app has been enriched with an extensive library of exercise images and videos (up to 5,600), the most challenging workout across all disciplines (up to 663), access to a live personal trainer, and a complete set of workout building fitness tools, calculators, tracking and progress features.

With FitnessBuilder around, users can now easily get started with Location-based workouts and choose a fitness goal, be it abs, arms, bodybuilding, cardio, core, endurance, flexibility, full body, heart health, legs, lower body, pilates, power, or rehabilitation. Apart from this, for beginners to advanced users, the super-useful app also offers the power to set goals about their sports conditioning, stability, strength, toning, upper body, weight loss, yoga and a difficulty rating.

Users can now keep themselves completely healthy with this new app’s best quality tips, body stats, fitness plans, graphs and three access levels. In addition, one can sync data across iOS, post progress to Facebook and Twitter, share workouts with friends, and execute effectively with its timers.

The new FitnessBuilder iPhone app can be downloaded now for $9.99 from Apple’s App Store.

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