Other BrandsFacebook 'like' for mobile rolled out to third-party apps

Facebook ‘like’ for mobile rolled out to third-party apps

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Spreading some more ‘likes’ just got easy with Facebook integrating a new built-in ‘like’ action with third-party mobile apps like Instagram and foursquare. With this update, pictures ‘liked’ on Instagram or posts favored on foursquare, can be displayed on the corresponding users’ timelines.

This feature was initially available just for PC, but it has now been tossed in for mobile device applications as well. Basically, it’s an Open Graph integrated ‘like’ button that allows people to easily share content via various mobile apps, on the SNS.

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“The new Open Graph built-in like action makes it easier for people to share content from your app. While the Like button is a great way to let friends share content from the web back to Facebook, the like action enables you to build your own like buttons for your mobile or web app and drive distribution across Facebook,” states a post on the official Facebook Developer blog.

Another important point to note is that the stories found on other apps will be published on the timeline only if a ‘like’ action is performed. Simply put, other forms of activities like rating a story will not publish the concerned post on Facebook. Moreover, those wanting to post their friends’ ‘like’ stories from a specific app onto their homscreen need to authorize the utility first.

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Facebook’s latest development can be accessed for posting content from a website to the SNS. Likewise, the attribute will make it easy for people to ‘like’ the concerned user’s Facebook Page. To access it, utilities currently using the custom ‘like’ action must opt for the built-in one within the next 90 days. Posts strewn across different apps that have been ‘liked’ will also receive notifications on the same.

The Facebook ‘like’ button or mobile is accessible via Instagram and foursquare for now.

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