General'Don't Text and Drive' Ad campaign by Verizon Wireless

‘Don’t Text and Drive’ Ad campaign by Verizon Wireless

Verizon Don't Text and Drive

Verizon Wireless has announced its new Ad campaign called “Don’t Text and Drive” that promotes the idea of no texting while driving. With continuous efforts to create awareness, Verizon has declared this campaign that seems to be a great approach to reach out to millions through media.

This Ad campaign is a good solution for text buffs on the driver’s seat engrossed in messaging. The main aim of the campaign is to spread out the message to concentrate while driving.

Dan Mead, executive vice president and chief operating officer at Verizon Wireless, said the “Don’t Text and Drive” campaign begins next week with a mix of ads, including television, radio, print, online, billboards and non-traditional media, designed to reach drivers.

Mead said, “Our objective is clear and simple: change the behavior of drivers who text while behind the wheel. No text message is worth risking a life.” One radio spot lists the people who “.. would really like to see you get home safely,” including husbands, wives, children, brothers and sisters, family friends and more. “The Verizon Wireless campaign should resonate during the holiday season, when the safety of loved ones is forefront in so many people’s minds,” Mead added.

The company has actively participated and led the issue of driving while using wireless service. “The very first year we formed Verizon Wireless in 2000, we broke from the rest of the wireless industry by supporting legislation that required people who talked while driving to use hands-free devices,” Mead noted. “More recently, as texting has become mainstream, we support bans on texting while driving and prohibit Verizon Wireless employees from texting while on the job or in a company vehicle.”

The campaign will help encourage drivers to concentrate while driving and not risk their lives for mere texting. Launched specially during the holiday season, the campaign is expected to be an exceptional effort to save lives.

The “Don’t Text and Drive” campaign will be commencing from October 26.

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