AppleChillingo to introduce refreshing lineup of mobile games at GDC

Chillingo to introduce refreshing lineup of mobile games at GDC

Anomaly Warzone Earth

Gaming buffs yearning to test their mettle can look forward to immersing themselves in a bunch of new titles. That’s because Chillingo has officially announced a lineup of nine games that will hit the Apple App Store soon. The company is showcasing these titles at the ongoing GDC 2011 in San Francisco.

One of the nine titles to be previewed at the GDC is Anomaly Warzone Earth, which is a futuristic strategy based-game that involves players in navigating through an alien gauntlet. It defies the usual tower defense principles to form a tower offense game. The next in the lineup is a title called Blobster that asks for little endearing blobs to be flicked across different levels and enemies squashed in order to protect the environment from a corrupt company.

“Chillingo constantly seeks partnerships with great indie developers who are pushing the threshold of mobile games with pioneering concepts,” expressed Chris Byatte, co-general manager of Chillingo. “We have built a solid reputation of polishing these unique gems to perfection and successfully introducing them to consumers worldwide.”

Quiz Climber is a new social quiz game, wherein users answer as many successive questions as possible in order to scale up the tree and beat their friends. The title dubbed Storm in a Teacup belongs to the fantasy adventure genre that entails players donning the mantle of Storm and steering him across a dreamlike landscape produced by the vivid imagination of his older brother.

“Since joining EA last fall, we have signed several great new titles that will be revealed in the coming months,” shares Joe Wee, co-general manager of Chillingo. “Our GDC slate features a sampling of the most cutting-edge games that are sure to delight the gamer in all of us.”

Painkiller Purgatory calls for its players to pass through Hell and blow up the demons into bits with a wide variety of devastating weapons. Another game christened Emberwind involves freeing the city of Grendale from the clutches of evil CandleFinger and his gremlin hordes using a cane of justice.

The action-packed Color Bandits requires anyone playing it to fight enemies and bring back all the colors that have been stolen from their world. Feed Me Oil is a puzzler that needs the oil to be delivered to the right spot and it boasts of mind boggling level designs. The last in this list of titles is Carnage which offers players an opportunity to be a part of exhilarating car races across the city highways.

These impressive titles will be made available through the Apple App Store in the coming few weeks, as mentioned earlier.

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