AppleBrightkite unboxes Augmented Reality Advertising Solution

Brightkite unboxes Augmented Reality Advertising Solution

BrightKite iPhone Service

Here murmurs something innovative and distinctive with a touch of assistance for masses. Brightkite has recently introduced the augmented reality advertising solution. Claimed to be the first solution envisioned so far, it enables users to see special offers in nearby stores.

Users can now look at the world around them through their iPhone’s camera to see real-time digital information on top of real-world locations, thanks to such service. As the camera is turned in different directions, the graphics change to accommodate the lens’ movements and users are able to see all their friends’ Brightkite data revealed around them. In fact, users can now see nearby stores and local offers exclusive to each location. It is believed that this is the first time when AR has been used for an advertising campaign in the U.S.

“Augmented reality is one of the hottest new tools out there and it’s no surprise that the first campaign to use it is one of the nation’s largest consumer electronics retailers,” stated Brady Becker, founder of Brightkite. “This initiative pioneers the latest in advertising – combining mobile phones, location awareness and augmented reality. This is truly a groundbreaking media campaign about which we, as well as our users, are very excited.”

Further, this new ad format helps users to be well-cognizant of offers that are not only relevant but nearby as well. For the retailer, the campaign allows them to break through the clutter of holiday advertising campaigns and reach their shoppers directly on their phones as they navigate through their neighborhoods and go about their daily lives.

The AR campaign is currently running on the Brightkite service through the end of December and is made available for Android and iPhone devices as well.

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