GeneralBots Vs. Wikipedians app developed to track human’s and bot’s contribution to Wiki

Bots Vs. Wikipedians app developed to track human’s and bot’s contribution to Wiki

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia can be updated by either humans or bots and now we hear that some researchers have created an application to figure out what is the contribution of each of the entity in making the website in question what it is today. As you may already know, bots are software which are designed to carry out automated tasks over the internet.

Reportedly, finding out exactly what percentage of information is updated by bots or by humans is not particularly an easy task. And to achieve this feat, Thomas Steiner, Google’s Customer Solutions Engineer in Germany and his team have designed an app called Bots Vs. Wikipedians. It has been revealed that it can collect data in real time and deliver accurate results. The information is accessible by everyone on the internet.

Wikipedia Logo

If the data acquired by the app is to be believed, bots are more active on the free encyclopedia in non-English speaking countries. The US and the UK are the nations where people take interest in updating the Wiki pages.

These bots have especially been created to make sure that the information on the crowd-sourced website is updated at regular intervals. The applications basically look for data in different sources from the internet and bring it to Wikipedia.

Interested users can hit this link to get more information about the Bots Vs. Wikipedians percentage.

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