AppleApple's letter addressing iPhone 4 reception issues

Apple’s letter addressing iPhone 4 reception issues

iPhone 4The iPhone 4 revived an attractive design, sparkling new display, rapid processor and loads of additional features. It claims to be the biggest upgrade to Apple’s smartphone since the iPhone 3G. However, off late users complained about reception problems that were instantly evaluated. The company presented these findings through a letter.

The company shares gripping any handset be it iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, as well as many Droid, Nokia and RIM phones will surely lower reception by one or more bars. Many users have underlined that iPhone 4 reduced 4 or 5 bars when held firmly in a way which covers the black strip specifically in the lower left corner of the metal band. This indeed is a considerable leap that had induced users to blame the iPhone 4 of having a faulty antenna design. Conversely the company receives letters saying that iPhone 4 reception is better than iPhone 3GS. Apple made significant effort to uncover the cause of this drop down.

The company shares that they sometimes display 4 bars when the device should be displaying 2 bars. Users identified a drop of bars when they gripped their iPhone in a specific way and supposedly were in an area with weak signal strength. However, users are unaware that it is due to wrongly displaying 4 or 5 bars. They reveal that this great down fall is because the high bars were unreal.

In order to evaluate the exact signal strength, the company talks aboutAT& T a recently suggested procedure. The real signal continues to remain the same, however users will get a clear picture to examine the reception they will receive in a given area. In order to make it easy for identification they will increase the size of bars 1, 2 and 3.

These findings were re-checked and the results are the same. Specifically for users who have not reported this problem the new update will make their bars more accurate. The company also reveals that unsatisfied customers can return their undamaged iPhones to any Apple Retail Store preferably within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.

Within a few weeks a free software update will be made available that will focus on the correct formula. This mistake has been persistent since the original iPhone therefore this update will be made available to all iPhone users.

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