Other BrandsAir Module speakers for iPhone operate without electricity

Air Module speakers for iPhone operate without electricity

Air Module Speakers For iPhone

A new and innovative set of speakers called the Air Module have been revealed by Yanko Design for the iPhone. Designed by Arthur Trichelieu, the highlight of this device is that it doesn’t need any power supply and functions without electricity.

These speakers can help conserve energy efficiently as it doesn’t use any power whatsoever. The special designs and techniques used to construct this set are quite novel in nature. The device is built with a rubber brake, wood and ceramic system which enables it to modulate sound. The module basically envelops the iPhone in its wooden shell and plays the music at a high volume.

Besides the iPhone, these speakers which look like a wooden soapbox can be used with any other device that is capable of fitting into it as well. This iPhone accessory is the latest among a list of them specially made for the smartphone like the recent Keystone Eco NautiCase and the Bluelounge MiniDock.

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