GoogleGoogle introduces Nearby tool to improve searches by location

Google introduces Nearby tool to improve searches by location

Google Nearby Tool Location seems to have developed into a vital part of web search. For a foodie searching for restaurant details, food blogs or the adjoining farmer’s market, locations may play a significant role in finding the correct information. Searches on Google will now be easier as Google now includes the ‘Nearby’ toll in the Search Options Panel, reveals the official Google Blog.

One of the truly useful things about this tool is that it functions geographically. So users need not worry about including ‘Minneapolis’ to their question and missing webpages that only mention ‘St. Paul’ or ‘Twin Cities’. Users can perform the search by pressing on ‘show options’ and choosing ‘Nearby’.

Users can decide if they want to view results nearby in their default location or a custom location. Results can also be tapered down to city, region or state level. The ‘Nearby’ search option is now accessible on the domain in English.

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