GoogleGoogle brings up Location History Dashboard

Google brings up Location History Dashboard

Google Location History

Wayfarers who have always yenned for a solution that helps them see their whole life’s travels laid out on a globe may be seen cracking a grin. According to the Official Google Mobile Blog, Google has just released an experimental view in Beta for Google Location History to visualize users’ location history in a more interesting way.

For users who have already enabled Location History, the new dashboard tries to highlight interesting trends from their existing location history, such as trips they’ve taken, places they’ve visited, time spent at home vs. out, and more. Users can now easily remember their trips and where they called a halt along the way.

In addition, keeping users’ privacy in mind, Google Location History is entirely opt-in only and users’ location history is available to them and nobody else. Users may now also be asked to periodically re-enter their password when opening any Location History page, even if they’re signed in to their Google Account already. Concurrently, users can delete any or all of their location history in the Manage History tab or disable Location History at any time.

Well, users can simply enable Google Latitude in the background of their mobile device, turn on Google Location History, and bide their time for about a week to build up enough history for the dashboard to begin showing information.

Just to notify, the new feature’s information is still experimental and in Beta so users may get to notice certain initial issues with accuracy around its estimates. Google ensures to improve the new Location History dashboard and put forth results with an unprecedented level of accuracy.

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