Appsfoursquare Connected Apps platform brings better check in experiences

foursquare Connected Apps platform brings better check in experiences

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The newly disclosed foursquare Connected Apps platform now allows developers to integrate their applications with the website via its API tools. This attribute basically provides access to third party apps directly from foursquare, to make the ‘check in’ experience informative and complete.

Some of the mobile utilities cited are Weather Channel, Path and Eat This, Not That, to name a few. Just as users hit ‘check in’ for a certain place like a restaurant or a city, apps pop into view for providing ideas related to the weather, restaurants and more based on the application and the current place. Besides, friends can peruse the concerned user’s messages on their accounts post-check-in screens. This should make the complete experience beneficial as recommendations and ideas would surface from the compatible apps as well as friends on the account.

“Over 25,000 developers use the foursquare API to build apps based around people’s experiences in the real world. Until today, though, those apps, whether they help keep people healthy, plan trips, or even give dogs a treat, have been stand-alone. Today, we’re announcing the developer preview of the next evolution: Connected Apps – developer-crafted experiences that exist within foursquare,” states a post on the official foursquare blog.

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This introduction could mean that an activity performed at any given place will now be surrounded by suggestions from apps as well fellow users on foursquare. Developers can begin testing their creations for melding them with the API. This developer preview adds content from the aforementioned applications into foursquare itself post ‘check-ins’ at the concerned places.

The foursquare Connected Apps feature is now accessible for Android and iOS, while it is expected to reach BlackBerry soon enough.

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