GeneralDrivers Sent to Jail for Talking on Mobile Phones in UK

Drivers Sent to Jail for Talking on Mobile Phones in UK

Driving and Talking On Mobile Phones Not Allowed Now-a-days, we see many people driving their cars talking on their mobile phones or typing text messages. This article is to warn them that they could be sent to jail if caught doing so.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has published in England and Wales, an announcement saying that drivers who are driving a car and cause death will be sent to jail for life imprisonment.

The driver caught driving dangerously will be sent in for two years imprisonment while careless drivers might just have to pay a fine.

The drivers using sat-nav or an MP3 player while driving will also be treated as dangerous driving instead of careless driving, and might be in prison for up to two years.

Earlier drivers were only fined if caught talking on the mobile phones, but now a new rule has been imposed.

As announced in September about the measures taken by Ken Macdonald QC, Director of Public Prosecutions, says, “We accept that in cases where there is clear evidence that danger has been caused by their (mobile phones) use – such as texting while driving – then our policy should spell out that the starting point for charging will be dangerous driving.”

The Department of Transport says, that drivers are four times more likely to crash while holding a mobile phone or sending text message while driving.

Sheila Granger, campaigns manager at the RAC said that she would like to see the police on the streets taking action. The best deterrent is for a motorist to be either pulled over them or know someone else who has been stopped.

However, the ban over hands-free phones is not covered as the drivers can still be charged if the police think their car is not in their control.

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