GeneralCellphone etiquette is evolving

Cellphone etiquette is evolving

Cellphone Etiquette

There are many things which may have once been seen as unacceptable, but are now considered the rule rather than the exception. Where cellphone users consider it appropriate to use cellphones and for what purpose they use it, is one such area of evolution.

Gizmodo reports that according to the recent surveys conducted, the etiquette of cellphone users seems to be changing.
These surveys were conducted by two online websites – Tellme and buzzd. Now, many people think it is okay to talk in a movie theater.

The percentage of the number of people who are ready to talk on the phone in a theater or concert is as high as 77 percent. That means three out of four people are ready to talk in a theater. Further, 71 percent said that they would use their phones in a restaurant.

The other activities during which people are ready to talk on the phone are: running errands (88 percent), waiting at an appointment (80 percent), walking (78 percent), and visiting friends (68 percent). Additionally, 60 percent of mobile phone users have drunk dialed, and 68 percent have drunk texted.

The survey also mentioned that people would be more willing to purchase a device if they could just push one button, say what they want and get it. It was found that 75 percent of people would want to buy a smartphone that allowed them to compose a text message, search the Web or dial a contact simply by speaking.

In this generation of multi-tasking, people are always searching for ways to perform multiple tasks at once, to make better use of their time. One such way is owning a smartphone that enables them to use voice to perform tasks.

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