Other Brands81% people don't want to Friend their boss on Facebook

81% people don’t want to Friend their boss on Facebook

The results are flying in, votes are being counted – 81% of people don’t want to be friends with their boss on Facebook. So out of the numerous acquaintances users befriend on the social networking site, ‘the big guy’ in the office is not someone employees want to be familiar with on a personal level.

The poll we’re referring to is being conducted by SodaHead as well as feedback website, YouTell. We’re talking about it in the present continuous tense because the voting is still open and at the time of writing this post, 727 people had expressed their ‘Aye’ or ‘Nay’ on the subject of whether they would want their superior in their list of pals on the SNS. Out of those who answered in the affirmative, 20% respondents were male, while 17% were female.

Facebook Friend Request

With regards to gender, there’s also a separate column for the ‘Unknown and Private’ chunk of the population which had 23% of respondents checking the ‘Yes’ box. If we were to go by age, 30% of people in the 25 – 34 years age bracket seemed open to making friends with their superior on the SNS, while a very low 11% in the 65 years and higher age group appeared to be in favor of the idea. But we don’t know if those in higher management positions actually ought to take this personally.

Social networks already offer easier visibility into users’ private lives than ever before. A normal person might find it hard to keep track of posts or photos being shared online by their pool of buddies and most may be afraid about their work performance or attitude being appraised based on what they do outside the office. We mean, who wants their managing head to catch a glimpse of their partying excesses on one random Sunday and be judged on that when it comes to performance reviews?


It’s already a well known fact that a lot of companies spy out potential employees’ online escapades nowadays. So the need to exercise a little caution can hardly be laughed at. Meanwhile, all those who want to make their opinion count in favor of or against becoming friends with their boss on Facebook, can hit up this link to cast their vote.

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